

Applications have started! We make your application for free! We can help you choose the right job, maximizing your chances of success. We calculate exactly your points and estimate the probability of passing. Voucher Work includes 7 months of work and 1 month of training. The new cycle concerns 25,000 beneficiaries and offers an eight-month […]

Unemployments Voucher for ages 30 to 49

Voucher 30-49 results announced For details and information on the results you can:– fill in the registration form at the bottom of the page– call 2531033150 or 2531033334– go through our offices Participants will:attend a training seminar with a total duration of 200 hours (theoretical training allowance € 1000)participate in professional counseling activitiesbe certified in […]

Public Benefit Training 2020

In the next period we are waiting for the announcement of the program for the seminars in the context of community service. Come or call KEK Mentor to be informed about the possibilities of the program and to register for the appropriate department! At this stage, you can bring us (or send by email to […]

Voucher 30-49

Applications for the new voucher program for the unemployed start today, 12/23/2020. Eligible to participate are those who meet all of the following: Unemployed registered with OAED (it does not matter if you receive unemployment benefit or not) Ages 30 to 49 years old (Date of birth between 01/10/1971 and 31/12/1990) Graduates of at least […]